Saturday, July 13, 2013

Time to Fuel Up Emotionally!

The signs have been there, but I have not been paying attention at all.  I didn't realize I was becoming depleted until I stilled myself for morning quiet time.  It was then that it seemed my soul shouted at me that I need to eat "soul food"!  I can see it in retrospect now: overeating (for comfort), not reading anything nourishing, almost imperceptibly growing irritability, feeling overwhelmed.

I have been sleeping a lot today, but I truly need the rest.  I have only been getting about 5 hours of sleep during the week while working over 10 hours each day.  I had planned to go "balls to the wall" this weekend, but I think that am going to leisurely get some things done.  I do need to make some progress toward my goals.  After I got off from work last week, I didn't do much to advance my life.  I think that I will work around 9 hours a day so that I have more energy for my own life.  I am becoming frustrated with the lack of progress toward my goals

Also, I really want to be in a supportive, romantic relationship with a man.  I have been daydreaming about one man in particular, especially when things are kind of overwhelming.  I need to blast myself out of doing that because it is not good for me to waste so much time and headspace over that.  When I am daydreaming excessively,  a good thing for me to do is to take notes from my daydreams.  I know that sounds weird, but I usually daydream about the things that are missing in my life.  Right now, I feel lonely, so daydreaming about this particular guy fills a void temporarily.  What I need to do is to see how I can alleviate feeling that way in real life.  In my daydreams, I am thin and well-dressed, so I need to start working on weight reduction.

I am going to relax with some magazines for the next couple of hours.  After that, I will probably call a friend.  Starbucks might be in my future tonight and/or tomorrow.  At some point, I need to make some plans and follow through on them.  I almost forgot the most important thing-quiet time with my Heavenly Father!

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