Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reporting to Spiritual Boot Camp

It is about 2:30am here.  My sleep schedule is thrown off, but I don't mind.  I like the quiet and darkness of the early, early morning.

After my last post yesterday, I was up until about 4am.  I rested for about 1 hour and then I got up and went to work.  I got sleepy when I had to do computer work (okay, I fell asleep-and lightly snored!  Oops!), but overall, the day went really well.  I wasn't dragging, I got a decent bit accomplished, and my mood was good!  It felt like God and I had an encounter last night and He enabled me to have a really good day on very little sleep.

I think that God is calling me to Himself.  It seems like anytime I try to get some support from someone, they start to disappear.  I remember when I was in college, He did the same thing.  I didn't realize what was happening though and I didn't surrender to it.  This time, I think that I know what is going on.  It is still painful and difficult, but this time I know that I need to follow through.  Maybe He is equipping me for something significant.

This might be a time of solitude that might lead to a transformation.  Maybe I will eventually live up to my potential.  For so long, I have sold myself short because of depression and not being successful.  I believe that as long as I trust God, and consistently co-labor with Him, He will enable me to be victorious, in spite of the fact that I have been camped out in the land of defeat for many, many years.  This new life may not be easy, but I believe that it will be good.

Right now, I am listening to some music and will probably have some quiet time with God before beginning some work on my life plan.

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