Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Gratitude for a Positive Attitude

I was reading my devotional Jesus Calling this morning.  Today's post is about gratitude, so I have decided to blog about a few of the things that I am grateful for.

Yesterday was a long day.  I got to work around 8:30am and didn't leave until about 7:05pm.  I was not physically tired or emotionally drained!  That alone is something to shout about!  In the past, I could only work about 4 hours/day and would need to go home shortly after to rest/sleep to be more alert when my husband came home!

My supervisor gave me a really neat compliment.  She told me that I remind her of one of her friends.  She went on to say that her friend was really smart, but unpretentious and funny.  That made me feel really good, because she made her friend sound really awesome!  lol

My co-workers helped me with my work because I had a lot to do yesterday.  Most of the people that I work with are really great, and I like them a lot.  We do get things done, but we usually have a great time doing it.  There is one guy there that cracks me up!  I can be grouchy and in a really foul mood, but he can say one thing and have me laughing and that will turn my mood around instantly.

The company is growing and many times it can be hard to get access to a computer.  One of the rooms with 3 computers was open most of the day, and I was able to camp out in there and get much of what I needed done on the computer!  Not only that, I was able to access the computer with speakers and listen to some great (in my opinion) music.  It really helped to listen to that music.

I had a lot of running around after work and didn't get home until around 10:30pm.  I still wasn't tired!  I logged onto my computer and worked on a job application!  Although I didn't finish it in time to submit before the deadline, I still consider it progress because I have a complete application on file for another position that I plan to apply for, and I finally updated my resume.  I finally completed some actions regarding job hunting!!!!

I went to sleep around 12:30am and was awakened gently around 4:45am.  I don't feel groggy or anything like that.  I have some errands to run before work, so I will sign off soon.

I am just amazed at the wonderful things that God blessed me with yesterday!  I hope that today is just as great or even better!

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