Friday, October 22, 2010

Would You Get Rid of Your Depression If You Could?

Most people, I believe, would answer with a resounding "yes"! I would too-sometimes. One thought that came to mind tonight is how I depend on depression. It keeps me from having to deal with life. People know that they cannot depend on me and thus I can remain childish in some aspects of my life. I also have an excuse for being irresponsible. I can use it when I don't feel like going to work. Maybe, ultimately, it shields me from seeing these unsavory parts of myself. I can blame it on depression and not have to really work on it. When I think of being free of depression, I can only think of the responsibility and not the energy and joy that would also come along with it.
Yet, I have to strive to at least minimize the depression in my life because I still remember the one day that I had this year that was a really good day. I wasn't nearly as depressed as I usually am and there wasn't anything spectacular about the day other than I wasn't as depressed as usual. I so wish I knew what I did so that I could duplicate that feeling. Even my chores didn't feel like chores!
Maybe I actually would get rid of depression if i could. Thinking back to that day, I believe that my answer would be a resounding "yes"!

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