Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trying to Find Stability

I have had a tough time lately. I have had other things to crop up that are difficult to deal with. I am trying to get myself stabilized. I went to Starbucks today to work on my goals and to try to deal with things. I realize that I need to work on gaining mental stability. I need to find a new therapist and tackle the stress in my life. Sometimes it seems like I have brain "noise" that makes it difficult to focus and concentrate. I really need to address that. When I see my doctor, I want to talk to him about going back on Abilify. I don't want to keep going up on the Risperdal. It makes me too sleepy and that means I don't get up in time to go to work. I don't remember being this drowsy on Abilify and I think that it worked at least as well as the Risperdal.

One of my mid-term goals is to work a permanent, full-time job. I really need to do this and I want to do it well. I so hope that it goes well for me. I want to do what I can now to get better and more stable so that I can work full-time and do it well.

I am going to look for some resources on coping skills and see how other people manage to support themselves while managing a mental illness. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

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