Saturday, October 17, 2009

Really Good Day

Last night I went out with some people. I didn't have a good time and that is all that I will say about that. I decided to make today a good day instead. You know what? I had a really good day. I bought some magazines and went to lunch at Pei Wei. After that, I went to Starbucks and leisurely read part of one of the magazines. The weather here was nice and sunny so I sat outside and enjoyed being outdoors before it gets too cold. I went to visit my father but he was sleeping so I didn't stay long. I bought dinner and came home and talked on the phone to one of my sisters and also to a friend. I'll be going to bed soon, so I will probably read one of the magazines to help me drift off to sleep. (I forgot to mention that I did a little housework today! As a treat to myself for doing something, I hooked up one of the Air Wick plug-ins. I really like those things.)

I really enjoyed myself today, especially going to Starbucks and reading a magazine. It has been so long since I have done that! I think that I will try not to let so much time pass between Starbucks visits again. It is really important to do things that bring enjoyment if you can.

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