Monday, March 14, 2011

My Future's So Bright...

I was talking to a friend a few days ago, and I told her that I feel like I can see a bright future for myself. At first I had to squint at the light, because I was coming out of a dark place. Now that my eyes are adjusting to the light, I can finally see opportunities that lay before me. I am not saying that I have arrived, but I do strive to improve my whole being. I am very excited about reaching and being able to reach some goals that I have written about for years. It is so wonderful to be able to believe and see things come to pass!
I am working on embarking on a new career path. I spoke with a life coach and told her about my diagnosis. She was very encouraging, even knowing about my diagnosis. That made me feel really good.

On a different note, I have decided to stop hating my body. I have decided to appreciate it and work to treat it better so that it treats me better. In time, I will come to love it and feel good about it, especially when I drop these excess pounds!

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